
Archive for the 'Monday Morning Greetings' Category

Monday Morning Greetings 2025 #1 – Happy 9th Birthday Monday Morning Greetings!

December 30th, 2024

Every year I celebrate the birthday of Monday Morning Greetings, January 4, 2016, by dedicating my post on the Monday closest to the New Year to an aspect of the process of my writing.


This year I will discuss my voice in writing, the consistent style or personality in my composition. Looking at it from just a slightly different perspective, when you read my posts, I hope my voice comes through as if you were personally hearing me speak. Are you hearing my voice now?


In the “Zonal Ācārya Days” they had a unique arrangement in the Krishna Balaram Mandir in Vrindavan for the morning Bhāgavatam class. Towering over the vyāsāsana for the Bhāgavatam speaker was an adjacent and bigger marble vyāsāsana. If in attendance, one of the eleven “ācāryas” would sit there facing the audience. One day during my class, Bhavananda, the local ācārya, was sitting next to me. He is certainly, to say the least, a flamboyant and dramatic person. That day he really liked my class. Immediately after it was finished, he raised both hands above his head with palms out and fingers gently moving back and forth. He pointed towards the audience and declared in the confident mood and voice of a born and bred New Yorker (although I think he is from Jersey City just across the Hudson River):


“I like Dhanurdhara Swami because he is from New York, Jewish, and a devotee!”


He paused and then with even more drama declared:


“In that order!”


I hope my readers hear my “voice” in my writing, but not in that order. I am first and foremost a devotee and from Vrindavan, and I hope that voice drowns out my Brooklyn accent, which I am told persists a bit after almost fifty years in Vrindavan. I am also karmically packaged from New York and if you also hear that voice, so be it, especially if it flavors my overall voice in writing in Krishna’s service.


The most important point is that I and the regular readers of Monday Morning Greetings have been together for many years. You hear my voice every week and thus know me and I guess we are all therefore friends. I don’t write from a distance. I share my life, and even a little of my struggles, which I hope makes my writing somewhat authentic.


A few other observations about my writing:


Writing is like giving birth to a child. It also takes birth after labor and when it is born, there is great joy. For parents to get the joy of parenthood they must wait nine months in addition to enduring the labor of the mother during birth, and to produce a book and get that joy takes even longer, sometimes years. What I like about my writing is that I don’t have to wait to get that joy. I get it every week by giving birth to Monday Morning Greetings. I therefore thank you for lending me your time by reading it. Now I will reveal something personal about Monday Morning Greetings that you may find interesting.


I have a penchant for branding. Do you know where I got the title for this weekly publication?


Well, before Krishna consciousness I was, like many Americans, a sports junkie, so to speak. I especially enjoyed the football (not soccer) games on Sunday. The person with the most responsibility in directing the football team during the game is the quarterback. When someone criticizes or gives advice about a game after it has been played, that person is therefore called a Monday-morning quarterback. The term has become a general term for someone who passes judgment on and criticizes something after the event. Now, I am not exactly doing that in Monday Morning Greetings, but I got the name after a famous football column called “Monday-Morning Quarterback” which reviewed the games each Monday, a day after they were played. When branding my column, I thought the appearance of the column on Monday would help people greet the coming week with some wisdom teachings rather than something mundane. Monday Morning Greetings, like Monday-morning quarterback, seemed to me a catchy title. I think it works.


I think the main voice I would like the reader to hear is a devotional intellectual who shares his realizations on relevant topics from devotional practice to societal issues, mostly within a spiritual movement. Sometimes, like this week, it becomes more personal, and perhaps you hear that voice today more prominently.


Well, I am a proud father. Happy ninth birthday, Monday Morning Greetings![1]


[1] Every week Rathi Krishna sends me a list of people who clicked on my articles so that I get a sense of the audience and some people occasionally write me to appreciate or comment on an article. It helps me to know my audience. I see on the list many people I met years ago. If any of the readers would like to drop me a line and say hello or introduce themselves, I welcome that, and this is the time. Perhaps some could even pick out an article they especially liked and explain why. They are all listed on www.wavesofdevotion.com.


Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #52 – My Greatest Fear

December 23rd, 2024

Well, maybe not the greatest fear. The Gītā explains that the greatest fear is losing this rare human birth which gives us the ability to turn to God. Fortunately, that’s not my worry. This guarantees that one on the path of God is protected from losing that precious opportunity. So, what is my greatest fear?


Presently, I am reading the first chapter of the Tenth Canto. I am up to the part where Vasudeva is trying to pacify Kaṁsa. Kaṁsa is threatening Vasudeva’s wife Devakī because her eighth child is predicted to be the cause of his death. Vasudeva, an expert diplomat, unsuccessfully tries many approaches to assuage Kaṁsa’s fear. One of his last attempts is the use of philosophy. He briefly explains to Kaṁsa transmigration of the soul. This body is not all in all, he explains. What we do in this life, and especially the mental state we develop, creates our next body. You will not therefore solve anything by killing Devakī. Rather, the heinous activity of killing your sister, and especially your envy of her, will carry you to a body in your next life racked with even more misfortune and fear.


What really struck me in this section, even more than the verses, was how this point was developed in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s commentaries. Here’s the gist of it:


“At the time of death, according to his mental condition, the living being is carried by the subtle body, consisting of mind, intelligence and ego, to another gross body.” Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.1 40, purport


Of course, I knew this already, but Śrīla Prabhupāda’s purports, and the conviction with which he spoke, forced me to examine more closely all that I am doing and the consciousness in which it is done. If even my devotional activities sometimes get subtly mixed with motive, then what is the quality of consciousness in which I lead my daily life? Am I actually creating the proper mental state to carry me to a spiritual body in the future?


If you look at all this soberly and honestly this is scary business. But aren’t devotees supposed to be fearless? Yes, but it seems this is the one fear that devotees should have.


“A pure devotee is always fearful of material existence. No one knows what will happen next, for one may have to change his body at any moment (tathā dehāntara-prāpti). Knowing this fact, a pure devotee acts in such a way that he will not have his life spoiled by being obliged to accept another body and undergo the tribulations of material existence.” Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.2.6, purport


Of course, there is the promise in Gītā that Śrī Krishna will provide what his devotees lack and preserve what they have. Didn’t Śrīla Prabhupāda promise that he would deliver his sincere devotees who adhere to their vows and serve his mission and isn’t Lord Caitanya the deliverer of the most fallen? There’s an abundance of mercy, undeserved kindness, in serving the mission of God’s pure devotee. I truly believe that, but it is also true that normally only a pure mind attracts God’s full mercy and carries one to the best spiritual destination. That’s what I am reading today in purport after purport by Śrīla Prabhupāda. Isn’t it better I look at my life in that way rather than expecting “an honorary degree” or “free ticket.”


My conclusion is that I would be a fool to just wait for mercy to elevate me to my desired destination. I must be cognizant of what I do and how I think and pray that my sincerest effort attracts the Lord’s mercy and grants my spiritual wishes. That is my greatest hope and failure my greatest fear.



Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #51 – The Battle for Our Souls

December 16th, 2024

The Battle for Our Souls[1]


The success of yoga depends on our ability to focus our attention on a particular object. Never in history has there been so much competition for that attention. Perhaps the biggest competitor for our attention, and thus our spiritual life, is social media. Here’s a short analysis as to why.[2]


A successful business markets a product. How then did Big Tech become one of the most successful commercial enterprises in history overnight if it’s available for free? The answer is simple: we are the product. Big Tech markets us to advertisers. We are a valuable commodity because advertisers seek certainty in sales, and the extraordinary amount of data Big Tech collects on us ensures them that certainty. Whoever learns the science of utilizing the vast data of our preferences and proclivities will be, without doubt, successful in sales. Such predictability is obviously the advertiser’s and businessman’s dream.


I think we all already know this to some extent. What I don’t think we know is the extent to which they are able to control us. Simply put, we are dealing with behavior-changing geniuses. They have perfected the science of recording the gradual and imperceptible changes of what we think, what we do, and how to market things not to help us but to fill their pockets. Perhaps even more frightening is that as they collect more and more data over time, their prediction models on each of us becomes increasingly refined, enabling them to not only control us for commercial purposes but also to inculcate their own materialistic values.


There are obvious ramifications and a basic conflict in all this for those with a spiritual goal. On one side we stand, trying to mold our attention towards a culture of selflessness and devotion, and on the other side stands a business model geared to get as much of our attention as possible for the purpose of inflating our ego and greed. Just see the juxtaposition. While the whole purpose of yoga is to quell the frivolous fluctuations of the mind, the purpose behind social media is to exponentially increase them. It is a battle for our souls. May Lord Krishna save us.


“There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software.”—Edward Tufte


[1] This is a new edit of a Monday Morning Greetings originally published December 27, 2021.

[2] Much of my analysis comes from the documentary The Social Dilemma.


Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #50 – Where There is no Circumference, the Center is Everywhere

December 9th, 2024

Recently, I was gifted a beautiful deity of Śrīla Prabhupāda. In fact, I think most of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s disciples were gifted one by the brilliant devotees in Russia who developed this project.


What is the eight-centimeter deity made of?


Coins were collected from every country that Śrīla Prabhupāda visited and then they were melted together for the mold! The deity is even quaintly boxed so that when you open the box it reveals an altar where the open doors become two picture panels on each side. On the left side is Śrīla Prabhupāda in Tompkins Square Park in New York, and on the right is Śrīla Prabhupāda in Radha-Damodar in Vrindavan, which is especially inspiring for me.


Those places, New York and Vrindavan, are my prabhu-datta deśa, the place where the Lord or His devotee grants one residence to serve. In this case, they are the two places gifted to me for residence for my service to Śrīla Prabhupāda.


I carefully started to worship the deity in a simple way—massaging it with oil, bathing it in warm water and then offering flowers. I am not by my psychology mystical in orientation. That is, my ordinary life does not seem to be overly governed by spontaneous instincts. Rather, I usually more move forward in life after careful thought and a healthy skepticism.


But in my worship of this Śrīla Prabhupāda deity, I felt spontaneously a very strong presence of Śrīla Prabhupāda, bringing out my sambandha, my relationship with him, the energy of love we may all feel in relationship to another. I immediately thought of the quotation in the title above, by Blaise Pascal, the French Catholic writer, philosopher, and scientist.[1] It seemed somehow to connect with my strong realization that Śrīla Prabhupāda was there in his form.


I don’t know what exactly what Pascal meant by the quote, but I take it to mean that when one’s sense of reality goes beyond a conventional understanding or measure, then a conventional understanding based on that reality breaks down. In this case, the concept that all objects must have a center breaks down in context that there is no limit or circumference to space. Similarly, the conventional view that God has a specific location in the universe falters in the context of God being infinite or having no circumference. Rather because of this context we can only commune with or locate the Divine in this material world by the vehicle of faith, which is our conviction of the worthiness of a personal God, or His eternal associates with Him in His transcendental abode, and our response to them in devotion. Isn’t that our philosophy, that faith attracts the transcendental Lord or His eternal associates to appear in our hearts, or the deity, or anywhere within the material sphere, inspired by their devotee’s love?


When the great demon Hiraṇyakaśipu is furious with his son Prahlāda’s deep faith in God, he challenges him. Prahlāda had asserted that God is all-pervading and everywhere. In response, his father strikes a pillar in anger with his sword, demanding to know if God is there. The Lord in the form of Nṛsiṁha immediately appears there to protect His devotee.


The Brahma-saṁhitā also describes this phenomenon of God having no location in this world in a very vivid way, denying the accessibility of God by material means, even if one travels at the speed mind for millions of years.


So that is the theistic experience. One’s distance from God is determined by one’s faith, or lack thereof, and not by a physical distance. That was strongly my experience while focusing my faith and worship on the beautiful form of Śrīla Prabhupāda. I strongly felt Śrīla Prabhupāda’s presence there and why not? His presence is everywhere that his followers focus their faith, whether through his teachings, our service, or worship of His deity form. Because where there is no circumference, the center is everywhere.


[1] I do not recall where I first heard this quotation, but it was in a Vaiṣṇava lecture or book. When I researched the source I found various references.

Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #49 – Self-consciousness as the Root of All Suffering

December 2nd, 2024

I think I need here to first define my terms. By self-consciousness I don’t mean self-awareness where you realize or become aware of the self and therefore think of others before yourself in the mood of service. By self-consciousness, I am referring to the disposition of focusing on oneself without considering others. I like how Jordan Peterson, the sometimes controversial, but insightful psychologist puts it.


“Self-consciousness is so connected with negative emotion that they are not statistically distinguishable. And there is no difference between being concerned about yourself and suffering… To be concerned with yourself is connected with anxiety and shame and grief and disappointment.”


One other important clarification before I expand on the theme of today’s post. The criticism of self-consciousness as described here is not denying our responsibility to take care of our needs, or even our pleasure. It is rather challenging the mindset that seems to subtly plague us all, at least to some extent, that pleasure is the most important thing in one’s life.


I found it interesting that self-consciousness even statistically, or shall we say scientifically, relates to negative emotion and suffering. But I not surprised. Such a conception is foundational to the bhakti philosophical conclusions.


What is the root of suffering? Suffering is the natural result of going against nature—a kind of cosmic parental punishment to veer us back to our true and fulfilling self. In other words, by constitution we are meant for service and when we deny our nature we suffer like a fish out of water.


It is not hard to perceive how self-consciousness also relates to negative emotions. The objective of self-consciousness is to enjoy and control, a temper that contradicts our very nature and thus one that is doomed. Naturally this is followed by feelings of anxiety, disappointment, grief and shame.


The correlation of self-consciousness and suffering is not exclusive to the bhakti canon. It’s the basis of all spiritual traditions. I especially like how in one Buddhist text self-consciousness and self-awareness are compared:


“Pleasure is the happiness of a madman and happiness is the pleasure of a sage.”[1]


The plague of self-consciousness is also on the minds of the more contemporary aware. Tom Wolfe, the legendary journalist and contributing editor to New York in 1976 wrote an exposé of the self-consciousness of the post-war generation in a brilliant essay titled The Me Decade.[2] There he describes how a type of unapologetic hedonism was embraced by the young in the west at that time. I especially like the line:


“They will never understand duty above self.”


This week the concept that self-consciousness is the root of all suffering intrigued me. It’s certainly food for thought.



[1] This quote was referenced in a book Happiness by the renowned contemporary Buddhist, Matthieu Ricard. I don’t have the book with me and can’t give the exact reference.

[2] https://nymag.com/article/tom-wolfe-me-decade-third-great-awakening.html


Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #48 – Movement or Mission?

November 25th, 2024

Movement or Mission?[1]


In a discussion with a friend, he distinguished between the Hare Krishna Movement (its structure and organization) and its mission (its goals or objectives), stressing the importance of the mission: awakening our eternal relationship with Krishna. It was a passing remark in a brief discussion, but as I reflected on his statement, I was inspired to give it some more thought. It seems important to make a careful distinction between the concepts of “movement” and “mission” in order to balance their relative value. I would like to deepen my understanding of that relationship by first discussing the views of two scholars on the subject, beginning with the thoughts of the late Joseph T. O’Connell, one of the most prominent scholars of South Asian religion in the modern era.


Professor O’Connell defined the purpose of an institution as carrying its culture – what is right, real, and of value – into the future.[2] He further divided institutions into two divisions: hard institutions, where the values are preserved by a hierarchical management structure, and soft institutions, where the values are preserved more spontaneously through its teachers, devotional practices, and, most importantly, its sacred literatures. In the history of Caitanya Vaishnavism, both have had a role in preserving its culture, but the latter has proven to be more important, because it deals more exclusively with Sri Caitanya’s mission. An example of such prioritization is demonstrated in a fairly well-known exchange between Srila Prabhupada[3] and his guru, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. His guru shared with him his concern about the terrible infighting that was occurring amongst his disciples over control of their lavish, newly built temple in Calcutta, and expressed his regret: “If I could sell this marble of this temple, and secure some money, and if I could print some books, that would have been better. That would have been better.” He then instructed Srila Prabhupada that, “if you ever get money, print books,” ensuring that his mission would be carried into the future. In other words, he prioritized the soft institution, where the mission is inherently embedded.


Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and a prominent spiritual teacher and author. In his book Falling Upward, he also makes a distinction between the external structures of an institution meant to support spiritual life and an institution’s core mission. However, he focuses on such distinctions not in terms of formal organizations, but in terms of how they are relevant in an individual’s personal life. To highlight that distinction, he outlines the journey of the hero as expressed in classical literature, which is inevitably divided into two parts of life. The first part, the external function of religion, is developing the structures of life to hold our internal development. We have all done that in our quest for stable family, suitable occupation, reasonable self-esteem, and supportive spiritual community. In the second part of the hero’s life, by destiny, these same structures that were necessary become an impediment and collapse. The hero is then forced to take full shelter of their spiritual essence, which becomes the second part of the hero or spiritual aspirant’s life. As one’s material protective agents break down, one is impelled forward in spiritual life, which is a phenomenon Rohr called “falling upwards.” I assume most reading this who are on a spiritual path have experienced how the unintended failure of aspects of our external support systems have impelled us to take shelter of the real purpose of those systems – our spiritual life – which perhaps we had neglected or not fully utilized.


I think I now understand more fully my friend’s concern. Hard Institutions are very important in preserving culture and facilitating spiritual life. Therefore, much energy must certainly be put into maintaining and promoting them. The objective of those institutions—and I think he was obviously referring to ISKCON, where he is a loyal and respected member—is the careful development of our spontaneous relationship with Krishna as outlined in the tradition’s sacred texts. That focus becomes more and more a necessity as the institution grows older and more stable, and its membership matures and ages. The tendency of spiritual institutions, however, is to make the maintenance and expansion of the hierarchical institution its main focus, and, in the process, lose sight of its purpose or mission, which is to bring its individual members back to Godhead. In the case of the Hare Krishna Movement, that means an increased focus on the devotional practices the tradition outlines to achieve that goal.


I appreciate my friend’s concern. I hope I added something to our discussion, because there is nothing more important to a spiritual movement than clarity about its mission.


[1] Originally published on February 8th, 2021.

[2] Joseph T O’Connell’s article on the subject:  https://gaudiyadiscussions.gaudiya.com/topic_1446.html

[3] Srila Bhaktisiddhanta is also known among his followers as Srila Prabhupada. In this article I refer to him as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati and Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, his disciple, as Srila Prabhupada, the honorific title that he is also known as.

Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #47 – The Mind of Śrīla Prabhupāda — Part Two

November 18th, 2024

Last week I wrote about the special features of Brahmā-vimohana-līlā. It was the last commentary Śrīla Prabhupāda wrote and the last pastime in the kaumāra-līlā phase of Krsna’s life. It emphasizes an essential siddhānta (philosophical conclusion) that readers need to understand before proceeding in their study of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam. Most importantly it shows Śrīla Prabhupāda’s almost superhuman and determined effort to complete it. While studying that līlā, I noticed something else—Śrīla Prabhupāda in his last days not only reveals the deep philosophical conclusions found there, but also provides a unique view of the world through his own eyes inspired by the story he was commenting on. Some examples:


The Beauty of Vrindavan


“Vṛndāvana forest is always filled with the chirping and cooing of birds like cuckoos (kokila), ducks (haṁsa) and cranes (sārasa), and it is also full of peacocks (mayūrākule). The same sounds and atmosphere still prevail in the area where our Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma temple is situated. Everyone who visits this temple is pleased to hear the chirping of the birds as described here (kūjat-kokila-haṁsa-sārasa).” (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.13.5, purport)


His Appreciation and Concern for the Society He Created


“Like the whorl of a lotus flower surrounded by its petals and leaves, Kṛṣṇa sat in the center, encircled by lines of His friends, who all looked very beautiful.” (Bhāgavatam 10.13.8)


Śrīla Prabhupāda comments:


“The present Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is an attempt to keep Kṛṣṇa in the center, for if this is done all activities will automatically become beautiful and blissful.” (Bhāgavatam 10.13.8, purport)


His Strong Desire to Establish the Scientific Basis of Krsna Consciousness


I was in Vrindavan during Śrīla Prabhupāda’s last days with us, when the Bhaktivedanta Institute held its first “Life Comes from Life” conference there. I was also there when his scientist disciples, who hosted and made presentations in the conference, came into his room directly from the conference’s closing ceremony to give Śrīla Prabhupāda a report. Obviously, they were still wearing their suits and ties, the attire they wore to the conference, instead of the robes that they would normally wear especially when seeing Śrīla Prabhupāda. When Śrīla Prabhupāda saw them in their suits, he immediately ordered Tamal Krishna Mahārāja, his secretary, to bring them chairs. His disciples, however, hesitated and responded that they were his students and happy to just sit at his feet. Śrīla Prabhupāda, however, insisted, “No, you are respected scientists!” indirectly expressing his appreciation for their service. Evidently, by his response the importance of this type of preaching was very much on his mind and that comes through in his purports to this chapter, specifically in the ones describing the moment Lord Brahmā became bewildered by Śrī Krishna’s mystic power. Śrīla Prabhupāda saw Brahmā’s pride and consequent bewilderment as analogous to the position of the modern-day atheistic scientists, who like Brahmā feel they can control or play God by their superior intelligence, but who are ultimately defeated.


“In a similar position are the scientists and philosophers who want to overcome the mystic power of Kṛṣṇa. They challenge Kṛṣṇa, saying, ‘What is God? We can do this, and we can do that.’ But the more they challenge Kṛṣṇa in this way, the more they are implicated in suffering. The lesson here is that we should not try to overcome Kṛṣṇa…instead of defeating Kṛṣṇa, Brahmā himself was defeated, for he could not understand what Kṛṣṇa was doing. Since Brahmā, the chief person within this universe, was so bewildered, what is to be said of so-called scientists and philosophers?” (Bhāgavatam 10.13.44, purport)


His Appreciation of His Empowerment by Krishna and the Consequent Success of his Movement


Verse 49 describes the Viṣṇu forms Krishna manifested when He duplicated all the cowherd boys and calves. There it is described that He was surrounded by devotees worshipping Him by bhūri-puṇya (the greatest pious activity) which Śrīla Prabhupāda translates as chanting and hearing. Śrīla Prabhupāda comments on the power of his saṅkīrtana movement:


“In our Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma Temple in Vṛndāvana, there is a tamāla tree that covers an entire corner of the courtyard. Before there was a temple the tree was lying neglected, but now it has developed very luxuriantly, covering the whole corner of the courtyard. This is a sign of bhūri-puṇya.” (Bhāgavatam 10.13.49, purport)


In the next verse the description continues:


“Those Viṣṇu forms, by Their pure smiling, which resembled the increasing light of the moon, and by the sidelong glances of Their reddish eyes, created and protected the desires of Their own devotees, as if by the modes of passion and goodness.” (Bhāgavatam 10.13.50)


In his purport Śrīla Prabhupāda references the commentary of Sanātana Gosvāmī to explain that although a pure devotee has no personal desires, the Lord’s glance enthuses such a devotee with a desire to perform devotional service which the Lord also maintains. This commentary apparently very much inspires Śrīla Prabhupāda and again he reflects on the wonderful temple he built in Vrindavan where he is residing:


“In Vṛndāvana there is a place where there was no temple, but a devotee desired, ‘Let there be a temple and sevā, devotional service.’ Therefore, what was once an empty corner has now become a place of pilgrimage. Such are the desires of a devotee.” (Bhāgavatam 10.13.50, purport)


His Desire for His devotees to Go Deeper in Krishna Consciousness


“Such purification can be achieved very easily by rādhā-kṛṣṇa-bhajana…”

(Bhāgavatam 10.13.53, purport)



This post is already too long for a Monday Morning Greeting. I could have given even more examples. In a previous post, I even argued that the very last sentence that Śrīla Prabhupāda wrote in the last commentary of the Brahmā-vimohana-līlā perfectly outlines his legacy—“The Significance of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Last Written Words”.



I pray this post helps to give one just a glimpse of what Śrīla Prabhupāda was thinking and seeing in his last days with us.


Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #46 – The Mind of Śrīla Prabhupāda — Part One

November 11th, 2024

I hope the title doesn’t seem too presumptuous, but it was the best I could come up with in terms of this week’s topic. Let me explain. First, some background.


A few years ago, I began to lecture on Brahmā-vimohana-līlā from the thirteenth chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. As I was finishing the chapter and marveling at the depth of some of its long purports, a question arose in my mind. Was there anything special about this chapter that impelled Śrīla Prabhupāda to dictate such a comprehensive commentary on it? It seemed an almost impossible task for one bed-ridden, at the very end of life and in significant pain.


As I considered whether there is some special significance to the story that may have inspired Śrīla Prabhupāda to make an almost superhuman effort to complete it, the first thing that caught my eye was the special position of the Brahmā-vimohana-līlā. It is the last pastime in Krishna’s kaumāra-līlā (age 1-5), the first of Krishna’s three age divisions, preceding paugaṇḍa (age 6-10), and kaiśora (age 11-15). Did Śrīla Prabhupāda push himself so that at least one age division was nearly complete before he left? I think there was something even more urgent on his mind that inspired him.


The Brahmā-vimohana-līlā, perhaps more than any other story in the Bhāgavatam, vividly establishes an extremely essential siddhānta (philosophical conclusion)—the topmost position of the divinity of God as a simple cowherd boy, Śrī Krishna.


Lord Brahmā had witnessed the power of Krishna in killing the Aghāsura demon. Shortly after, in contrast, he witnessed Krishna having a picnic with His friends. A doubt then arose in his mind about the position of Krishna, and that doubt is expressed in the simple phrase yajña-bhug bālakeli—is the young cowherd boy Krishna yajña-bhuk, the omnipotent lord who accepts all the innumerable offerings of sacrifice, or is he just bāla-keli, a simple boy playing with friends? To find out he decides to test Krishna by stealing all the cowherd boys and calves and hiding them in his lair. When he quickly returns to Vrindavan, however, he is shocked. Not only are all the cowherd boys and calves somehow exactly in the place where he had just stolen them, but each of them demonstrates that they are expansions of Krishna by manifesting an overwhelming display of aiśvarya (opulence or power). Temporarily blinded by the effulgence of those Viṣṇu forms he becomes stunned. When he finally regains his consciousness and with great difficulty opens his eyes, he again sees sweet Krishna standing alone in Vrindavan just as before, as a simple village cowherd boy with a morsel of food in his hand searching everywhere for the calves and his cowherd friends. Now fully realizing that the yajña-bhuk (the omnipotent Lord) is bāla-keli, this simple cowherd boy, he becomes overwhelmed with ecstasy, bathes Krishna’s lotus feet with his tears of joy, and offers prayers.


So that is the background information for our conjecture about what was in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mind that led him to use the last drop of his strength and acumen to complete his commentary on this pastime. I will offer what I think Śrīla Prabhupāda was thinking:


“Historically, and even today, Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism has been plagued by sahajiyism where devotees impose their material conceptions on the pastimes of Radha-Krishna līlā. In the very next pastime after Brahmā-vimohana-līlā in Chapter Fifteen, Krishna enters the age of paugaṇḍa and his relationship with the gopīs is first introduced. I am concerned that my young disciples may misunderstand those pastimes. Let me therefore at least finish this important pastime that so forcefully demonstrates that the yajña-bhuk is the bāla-keli. So with all my strength let me push on to complete the kaumāra-līlā to give my disciples just one more important tool to help inoculate them from common misunderstanding of thinking of Krishna as mundane when His love of the gopīs is introduced in the next pastime.”


And that’s what I think was in the mind of Śrīla Prabhupāda when he pushed himself to complete against all odds the Brahmā-vimohana-līlā.


Monday Morning Greetings 2024 #45 – Monday Morning Greetings: Election Special

November 4th, 2024

I assume that all of you, even though many of you live outside the United States of America, know that tomorrow is the election to select their next president. The country is split in half, extremely polarized, over this issue. When the results are in, it seems that half the country, the group whose candidate lost, will be highly distraught, with many predicting a disaster approaching Armageddon. A week ago, a Vaiṣṇava who supports Harris wrote me:


This political contest for POTUS, IMO, is really about enlightenment values vs oligarchy. Its outcome will have profound repercussions, internationally as well as nationally.


Recently a Trump-supporting Vaiṣṇava sent me a slew of quotes from Śrīla Prabhupāda which he interprets to say the opposite, that the election is really about Marxism vs God consciousness with profound repercussions if the left-leaning democratic party prevails:


Now, if they are serious to check this communistic movement, save the American country, as well as the whole world, then they must be very serious to understand what is God and what is trust in God. Otherwise this communistic movement will finish the civilized human society. (Morning walk, Los Angeles, December 12, 1973)


I am not questioning that these gentlemen may have sincere legitimate concerns. There very well may be catastrophic consequences caused by this election. What I am concerned with here, however, is the effect of obsession about this election on one’s consciousness. I think that would be Śrīla Prabhupāda’s main concern. This post will offer three considerations on this issue to help us to protect our bhakti, whichever way one leans and regardless of the results tomorrow. I was reading something today that I found relevant in regard to today’s discussion. It’s from a bhakti sādhaka’s realizations about the obstacles to devotion and is in the form of a story about a disciple’s openhearted discussion with his Guru about his lack of taste for chanting.


Want to protest against the injustice in this world? When we ourselves are ridden with so many follies, how can we rid the world of its evil? When our own hearts are black, how can we purify others? We ourselves are in darkness, how can we hold the torch for others? We are in material bondage, how can we liberate others?


Of course, as followers of Śrīla Prabhupāda we are concerned about the world, and distributing spiritual knowledge is part of our process of purification, but I think we all get his point.


During this time when even devotees are calling on people to be politically involved according to their own passionate convictions, here are the guardrails I am putting around myself to protect my nāma-bhajana during Kartik: Avoiding criticism, avoiding idle talk, and seeing the world with a more cosmic viewpoint.


Avoiding Criticism


Criticism is worse than envy, because envy is within the heart and criticism is when that envy comes out and is expressed to others. What about constructive criticism? That’s a long discussion, but mostly our criticism is born of the false ego. If you want a taste of the holy name, best to avoid criticism. I therefore found this simple recommendation from Caitanya-bhāgavata both inspiring and a warning to those choosing to enter the political sphere:


“Krishna will easily deliver the one who chants His name constantly without committing nindā.” (Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khanda 9.246)


The Bengal word in verse is aninduka, literally one who doesn’t criticize. In other words, Krishna gives special mercy to such a person.


Avoiding prajalpa (idle talk)


We may have righteous aims, but if we get sucked into the internet, we risk our spiritual life. Upadeśāmṛta lists prajalpa as one the six main obstacles on the path of devotion. Śrīla Prabhupāda is very strong about this:


“Therefore we always advise, ‘Don’t read newspaper. Don’t read any other book,’ because it is full of grāmya-kathā, grāmyai[village or loose talk]…The same thing repeated. ‘Here there is flood, where there is train disaster, where there is accident, and political, and one politician is giving speech, another politician is giving speech…’ These externally very attractive news, we should avoid it completely. We shall simply talk of Kṛṣṇa. That is the safest method.”


Developing a cosmic perspective


Śrīla Prabhupāda says it all:


“The buildings, furniture, cars, bungalows, mills, factories, industries, peace, war or even the highest perfection of material science, namely atomic energy and electronics, are all simply bewildering names of material elements with their concomitant reactions of the three modes. Since the devotee of the Lord knows them perfectly well, he is not interested in creating unwanted things for a situation which is not at all reality, but simply names of no more significance than the babble of sea waves. The great kings, leaders and soldiers fight with one another in order to perpetuate their names in history. They are forgotten in due course of time, and they make a place for another era in history. But the devotee realizes how much history and historical persons are useless products of flickering time.” [emphasis mine] (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.2.3, purport)


Just a few more thoughts. When Svarūpa Dāmodara and Rāmānanda Rāya asked Śrī Caitanya how to get prema, he gave a four-fold process: Humility, tolerance, respect, and chanting always. The word for respect is māna-dena, offering respect to one and all.


Conclusion: Sādhu Beware!


So that’s the Monday Morning Greetings Election Special from Vraja, the land of Krishna and thus the bluest state in the whole world.


Monday Morning Greeting 2024 #44 – Home at Last!

October 28th, 2024

I’m very busy during Kartika and just getting some regulation in my vrata and I didn’t have time to write. Let me offer this week something that represents my feelings about Vṛndāvana. I think it may be my first Monday Morning Greetings, although it wasn’t called that at the time. It was written almost 25 years ago and is it is still one of my favorites.


Home at Last!

October 6, 2000
Delhi / Vṛndāvana

I entered a myriad of signs lining the path exiting the airport, held by various drivers searching for their pick-up. I wasn’t sure if the message announcing my arrival had reached Vṛndāvana, so I was anxiously searching for my name. What a relief to spot the smiling face of Gopal, our vrajavāsī driver!


All of my entries into Vṛndāvana have been similar: the feeling of unworthiness, the grime of my long journey representing the contamination of a prolonged stay in America, the instant relief of a yamunā-snāna (bath), and the happiness of seeing my old vrajavāsī friends. The water at Keśī-ghāṭa was deep and flowing swiftly. It was five o’clock and the sun was beginning to set in the west, sending a reflection of yellow light through its waters like a pathway cutting diagonally to the base of the ghāṭa where I was sitting. I carefully entered her waters, and facing the shimmering golden pathway, I reflected on the natural beauty of Vraja. After chanting my gāyatrī, I waded like a child in her soothing waters. Home at last!


After five minutes Ramesh, my auto-rickshaw driver, calmly pointed to the last step of the ghāṭa, about twenty feet to my left. A large snake sat there with a fish in its mouth. I don’t know how to describe my reaction other than that I tried to remain calm and dignified, but I still somewhat panicked. Quickly placing my hands two feet above me on the steps, I swiftly kicked my right foot up onto the first step of the ghāṭa and vaulted myself out of the water—or, I should say, tried to vault myself out of the water. I floundered and fell back in. I finally made it out and quickly moved up a few steps to where I had placed my things. As I looked to my right, about ten feet to the other side of the snake, I saw a sādhu calmly washing his loṭā. He was smiling and gesturing to me. He was laughing and flapping his right hand, which obviously represented to him my panic in getting out of the water. He laughed and laughed.


The vrajavāsī children, who were the only other people there and had been sporting blissfully in the Yamunā when I arrived, were also amused; their cunning smiles and laughter representing the anxiety and carefree hearts of young, simple children.


I looked at the sādhu again and heard, “Baba!” I couldn’t exactly hear what he was saying, but I intuitively understood him very clearly. “What are you so afraid of? Don’t you realize that Kṛṣṇa is in everyone’s heart?” As I walked up to the top of the ghāṭa and turned right to find my rickshaw, I looked back. The sādhu was still laughing and flapping his right hand. I also began to laugh and enjoy the fun. We maintained eye contact, both laughing until I drifted out of sight. By Kṛṣṇa’s mercy, I had entered the dhāma.


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