
Monday Morning Greetings 2019 #46 – There is No Victim Consciousness in God Consciousness

November 18th, 2019

A standard definition of “victim consciousness”:


Victim consciousness is a stage of consciousness in which people deny personal responsibility for the things that happen in their lives. People in victim consciousness believe that the world is acting upon or against them, and they are the innocent targets of other people’s action or behavior.[1]


God consciousness is the exact opposite. Here are four examples:


Dharma the Bull


King Parīkṣit immediately rushed to the scene of the crime when he was informed that a bull had been badly beaten. Upon arriving, he immediately inquired from the bull about the identity of his perpetrator. Although the bull knew that the direct cause of his suffering was the personality of Kali, he refused to identify the perpetrator, knowing that without the sanction of the Lord no one could afflict trouble upon him. He then began to explain in detail the various misconceptions about the cause of suffering and described how one uses them to abnegate personal responsibility and avoid learning the lessons God has sent for purification. Observing the bull’s reaction, and hearing his exposition full of knowledge and philosophy, the King recognized the bull as Dharma (the personality of religion): “You are speaking according to the principle that the destination intended for the perpetrator of irreligious acts is also intended for one who identifies the perpetrator.” In other words, although it is the duty of one in God consciousness to protect the vulnerable from exploitation, such a person never embraces or promotes victim consciousness, but rather condemns it.




The elderly Vidura was not only unfairly thrown out from the kingdom by his cruel nephew Duryodhana, who he served selflessly his whole life, but was also harshly insulted. As an evolved soul, he refused to play the victim. Rather, he saw that God was delivering him an important message: it was time to retire from the intrigues of family and political life and leave for holy pilgrimage. An elevated soul thus sees destiny as the language of God and his or her oppressor as simply the vehicle to deliver that message.




Although Yudhiṣṭhira led a noble and sinless life, his suffering year after year was unbearable. Even worse was that no one could satisfy his inquiry as to why. In frustration he finally sought answers from his grandfather, Bhīṣmadeva, who was lying on the battlefield waiting to die. With great inner strength his grandfather was able to satisfy his inquiry. Destiny, he explained, for all its challenges, is just offering the priceless fruit of deeper realization and inner happiness to those who respond to their fate in cognizance of God’s grace and with righteousness. What is the question of victimhood for a person with such vision and realization?




When Socrates was unfairly condemned to die by the Greek assembly for political reasons, his wish to confront his accusers was granted. Rather than feel persecuted, he informed them, “If you think you will harm me, you will not harm me; you will only harm yourself.” Socrates was expressing something quite deep, which is that the self or soul being eternal can only be harmed by covering its intrinsic, righteous nature by acts of selfishness. In other words, if he was executed, the Greek senate, who was to kill him in a mood of deceit and exploitation, would actually be the one disadvantaged and not himself, who would respond in dignity.


It’s unfortunate how far the modern world has veered from this culture of personal responsibility and self-correction based on God consciousness. The epitome of this is the modern more radical interpretation of intersectionality, where the more labels of oppression and victimhood one has accrued, the more one’s view of reality is deemed to have authority and the more one is considered to have moral worth. Certainly, all forms of oppression and exploitation should be shunned, and there are certain unique realizations one can glean from the perspective of the downtrodden, but to ascribe a sort of moral worth and awareness grounded in victimization based on group identity accedes far too much responsibility and power to others to make our life better, especially in contrast to the empowerment to change oneself as delineated in the teachings of Krishna consciousness.


“We all suffer, but to be a victim is a choice.” — Unknown



[1] Barry and Janae Weinhold — https://weinholds.org/victim-consciousness/


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