
Monday Morning Greetings 2017 #18 – That Last Honest Man

May 1st, 2017

Truth is the last leg of religion. It is rare to find. I bow down to that last honest man.
Truth challenges our selfish desires. It may tell us to give up things we want and to accept things we don’t. The honest, however, accepts what is right no matter what it means for his life.
I bow down to that last honest man.
The word expediency does not exist in the vocabulary of the truthful. He never makes an excuse to simply do what he wants in the face of impropriety, no matter how practical or convenient it seems.
I bow down to that last honest man.
If the truthful makes a mistake he faces it head on no matter how loud his false ego screams. You will never catch him trying to rationalize away or justify his missteps or mistakes.
I bow down to that last honest man.
The reasoning of the truthful is never motivated. He reasons first and then comes to conclusions, not the other way around.
I bow to that last honest man.
Most are hopelessly stuck on the mental plane. Such people can’t make decisions frozen by the minute calculations of trying to calculate what is best for themselves. The honest is not shackled by such selfish concerns and therefore acts quickly and decisively.
I bow down to that last honest man.
Too many, in serving God and others, really want something for themselves, whether it’s profit, admiration, or distinction. The honest has no hidden agenda. He is completely sincere and serves only to please guru and Kṛṣṇa.
I bow down to that last honest man.
The private and public life of the truthful are the same. What you see is what you get. Don’t you just love the forthright, even with their rough edges?
I bow down to that last honest man.
Authority is not a bad word for the truthful if authority means the rule of knowledge and the person who possesses that knowledge. Rather the sincere humbly embrace and surrender to such authority.
I bow down to that last honest man.
When the leaders of spiritual institutions value the form of the institution more than the values on which they are based, such leaders fear the last honest man for he is detached and there is no way to control or silence him. Only such a man protects the legacy of those institutions from being mired in expediency and cheating.
I bow down to that last honest man.
When such institutions, however, live by the values they represent, the honest man is their defender and will give his life to protect it.
I bow down to that last honest man.
Although an honest man is bold, he fears the unnecessary criticism of others, especially those serving Kṛṣṇa, and only with the utmost caution, and as a last resort, does he ever mention one personally. The truthful hate only the sin and not the sinner.
I bow down to that last honest man.
The honest man never compromises the truth in thoughts, words, or action.
I am not that honest man, but I know who they are and serve them. I bow down to the last honest man.

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